Repairs! Dec. 2023 Update
It’s time to update you on our repairs!
Keeping an arcade going at 100% is not an easy task, but it is one that we strive to achieve. Sometimes, issues are not cut-and-dry and take a bit of time to sort out or parts take a while to track down. Other items may require a professional repair where we have to send the component in to be fixed but this can be very time consuming.
Please keep in mind that if you stop by in the mornings/early afternoons, many games are off – this is just to save power. Out of the 64~ game cabinets, most are working! If something stops working though, please let us know so we can work to get it fixed ASAP.
- Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection
- Terminator 3
- Super Street Fighter II – Monitor had stopped working but now resolved.
- Aliens Armageddon left start button
- Marvel Vs. Capcom 2 control issue
Working To Resolve
- Maximum Tune 5 – We sent in the PC for the broken side 3 weeks ago; The facility reported a bad video card. Just waiting on them to send it back, hopefully this week.
- Hot Racers – both monitors and the right side controls need fixing. The repair on the monitors is the most challenging/expensive to resolve here, looking into it though.
- Gauntlet: Dark Legacy – Monitor died after we took it to a Christmas party. We might swap the tube out with another 4:3 LCD we ordered
- The Simpsons – Monitor has gone haywire after taking it to a Christmas party. Ordering a cap kit and will see if that resolves it
- Big Buck Reloaded – It has been having some strange freezing/button issues that are software related. There is a major new software update we’re waiting on that hopefully fixes this
- Enter The Gungeon – It was reported on 12/16 that the right gun stopped working. We’ve reached out to the developer to see what resolution there might be
- Aliens Armageddon left reload – A plastic holding piece inside of the gun cracked, making it impossible to fix without getting a new gun shell or an entire new gun. These are very expensive either way…so saving up on this but the reload feature still works by shooting off screen.
- Nirin 4 booting issue. While appears to be a power issue on the surface, might be something else. Trying to find someone with knowledge on the ES1 to help figure this one out
- Bubble Bobble 3 monitor darkness – attempted adjusting but little improvement. Needs a new flyback but the monitor is an odd brand so finding a replacement is proving to be a challenge
- Toobin’ monitor – We’ve reached out to a CRT repairman, who was too swamped to accept new repair orders the last time we contacted him. Hopefully that has opened up so we can get this one working again.
- Dracula – Kelly will stop by sometime to repair or swap the game out
We appreciate your patience on these issues and hope to have them all resolved in time for the new year!